The International Hybrid Conference on Contingency Planning and Adaptive Urbanism (CPAU)


  • CPAU 2022 accepts abstracts, articles and papers in English and Arabic. Abstract, Article, full paper and oral presentation should be in the same language.
  • SCOPUS Publishing: English is treated as the only written language throughout the tex


Guidelines for Primary Abstract

  • An abstract should not be submitted to the Conference if it has been presented in another conference or if it has already been published as a full paper.
  •  For standardization, the acceptable length should not exceed 350 words, excluding the author’s names and affiliations.
  • The title should clearly indicate the nature of the investigation. Titles in ALL CAPS. Abbreviations, acronyms or brand names are not allowed.

The abstract should include the following:

  • Background: 1-5 sentences that clearly indicate the scientific question of the study and its importance
  • Methods: sufficient information about the analytical techniques and/or the statistics used in the study
  • Results: objective scientific arguments answering the scientific question(s).
  • Conclusions: directly supported by the results, along with implications for future research and practice enhancement.
  • 3 to 5 keywords to better define the abstract content
  • Abbreviations should be indicated in parentheses following their first mention in the text.
  • Please ensure your abstract does not contain spelling, grammar, or scientific mistakes, as it will be reproduced exactly as submitted.
  • No changes can be made to the abstract after the submission deadline.


Guidelines for Full Paper (CPAU 2022 - SCOPUS Journal)

Click on the buttons below to show guidelines


Paper Submission Instructions (ارشادات خاصة بتقدیم الورقة البحثیة بنفس کود الملخص)

Click on the image below to show instructions